Indie Authors

This site is less about what you can do for us, and more about what we can do for you.

We want to support you, we want to help promote you. We believe in you!

All right - enough with the motivational stuff - here's what we can actually do.

We want to review your books. We want to interview you. We want to help spread the word about great Indie Authors who Rock!

All you need to do is visit the Contact Us tab and select the option best for you. There are a few available. From our monthly Spotlight Author, to reviews and interviews. Let us know how we can help you rock!
However, a word to the wise. We obviously have limited time on our hands - all three of us have our own books to write etc - so we do reserve the right, when it comes to reviews, to pick books that appeal to us. That means we won't necessarily review everything. If none of us are attracted to your book we will suggest it to one of our outside reviewers - but again the final decision will be up to them. Also be aware - our reviews are honest and truthful - so be prepared. We will never be unnecessarily negative in a review, but we will give our honest opinions.
Would you like to be help us on future topics by contibuting to our Think Tank? From time to time, we will contact you to get your input on topics important to Indie Authors. Then we will compile those responses in a future post.
Join here!

Now, how you can help us - tweet about Rock the Book with the hashtags #RocktheBook and #IndieAuthorsRock. Share a link to the blog on your blog. And if we do interview you and/or review your book make sure to spread the world.

Now go and get writing that next brilliant book!

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