
Indie Readers

Did you know that to an Indie Author you are pretty much God? You decide our fate, because you, rather than the editor or agent in traditional publishing, are the gatekeeper of what's good and worthy!

So here at Rock the Book we value your input. We want Rock the Book to celebrate and promote the great and good of the Indie publishing world, and so we want you to tell us about great indie books you've read, warn us of the bad ones. If you've picked up an indie book recently that you've adored tell us all about it, and maybe we can spotlight it here on the blog to help spread the word.

All you need to do is comment on the blog or fill in a contact us form.

Here in the Indie world, you are the one who really matters!


  1. Michael Kanuckel, he's a fantasy author with a handful of books out and all of them are great. Trollbreaker is his newest and the first book of all of them set in his fantasy world.

  2. Hi Amanda, thanks for the recommendation... We will check him out ASAP!
